"Xcel Model Wind and Solar PPA, Model Semi-Dispatchable PPA and Semi-Dispatchable RFP"

Xcel Energy has released their new Model Power Purchase Agreement for Wind and Solar Generators, their Model Power Purchase Agreement for Semi-Dispatchable Renewable Resources and the Request for Proposals for Semi-Dispatchable Renewable Resources.

Xcel Energy has released their Model Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for solar PV and wind generators. This PPA includes requirements dictating the provision of Active Generation Control (AGC) from both wind and solar generators and the necessary telemetry equipment to ensure Xcel can both monitor the facilities' output as well as remotely regulate the AGC set-point. The PPA also requires the installation of state-of-the-art forecasting equipment and has several provisions allowing Xcel to collect data to help better incorporate these resources into system operation.

Click here to download Xcel's new Model PPA for Wind and Solar Generators.

Xcel has also released their Model PPA for Semi-Dispatchable Resources, which are defined as intermittent renewable energy generators, such as wind and solar, combined with a technology that mitigates intermittency issues, such as backup generators and storage. As with the Wind and Solar PPA, the Semi-Dispatchable PPA also requires the provision of AGC and extensive telemetry equipment to enable the monitoring and regulation of the facilities' output as well as forecasting data to help Xcel better integrate these resources.

Click here to see Xcel's new Model PPA for Semi-Dispatchable Generators.

Finally, Xcel has released their Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Semi-Dispatchable Resources as a part of reaching their  Electric Resource Plan capacity targets. The RFPs contain extensive information on the eligibility requirements for generating facilities, a clear deadline for proposal submission and the criteria which will be used to evaluate proposed projects.

Click here to see Xcel's new RFP for Semi-Dispatchable Generators.

To learn more about the role of ancillary services in maintaining reliability, or how utilities can incentivize generators to provide ancillary services, see the Ancillary Services Page on the Grid Integration Toolkit. To learn more about how forecasting can help better integrate variable generation resources like wind and solar into the grid, visit the Forecasting Page on the Grid Integration Toolkit. To learn more about how storage can be procured and how storage can be implemented to mitigate the intermittency effects for variable renewable resources, see the Demand Response and Storage Page on the Grid Integration Toolkit.

Greening the Grid
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