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133 items matching your search terms
Tariff Design
Tariff design
Typical tariff design components. Source: (Zinaman et al. 2020)
Examples of TOU EV energy charge at select U.S. utilities. Source: (Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2017)
Maturity of EVSE market
Maturity of EVSE market and use of energy vs. demand charges. Source: (Nelder 2018)
Tariff Design
BB Icons
ICON Contact Sheet for Guidebook
Workforce Development
Anticipated jobs in electricity figure
Anticipated types of jobs in “electromobility value chain”. Source: (Pek et al. 2018)
Workforce dev
Workforce dev
Electric vehicles the market and its future workforce needs
An example of an EV workforce assessment for Los Angeles, California. Source: Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, 2012
Workforce Development
Electric Vehicle Deployment Guidebook
This report presents a series of building blocks for vehicle electrification. These building blocks can be understood as the key components of a broader ...
BB Mock for Guidebook development
Sitemap and site direction
Light Trail
Targets and Incentives banner image.
Green Charger
Data Management banner.
Charging on the Rez
Charging Infrastructure banner
EVSE Standards and Communications Banner. iStock.
Grid Planning and Management banner
Tariff Design Banner
Nick Johnson - NREL
Workforce banner
EV Deployment Guidebook
Electric Vehicle and Sustainable Transport Toolkit
Technical Themes and Resources - Figure 1 - FINAL.PNG
Data Collection and Management - Figure 1 - FINAL.PNG
Policies to Incentivize EV Adoption and Deployment - Figure 1- FINAL.PNG
Charging Infrastructure - Figure 2 - FINAL.PNG
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