Grid Integration


The Government of Pakistan has a goal to shift to 30% EVs by 2030 and 90% by 2040. To support this goal, USAID and NREL are providing assistance to study the impact of EVs on the distribution system. By studying the impact of EV chargers on the system, mitigation strategies can be proposed along with optimal locations of EV chargers to help an already overwhelmed electrical distribution system. These efforts will lead to improved grid reliability and a more engaged adoption process of EVs.

Effectiveness of Electric Vehicle Policies and Implications for Pakistan, NREL Technical Report (2022)

Pakistan EV Charging Station Business Plan Workshop, YouTube Video

Pakistan Distribution Companies Electric Vehicle Preparation Workshop, YouTube Video


A technical working group was implemented to develop decision support models and data-driven analysis tools for distributed energy resource integration, planning, and management on the Tunisian grid. The working group is using two open-source modeling tools on GitHub, EVOLVE and Emerging technologies Management and Risk evaluation for distribution Grid Evolution (EMeRGE), to evaluate the technical impacts and interaction of distributed energy resource technologies on the Tunisian electric grid. These technologies include rooftop solar PV, battery energy storage, and EVs.


NREL is supporting the USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security (VUES) Project by providing technical assistance to Vietnam Electricity (EVN), Vinbus, and the city of Danang to better understand the relevant issues and challenges of integrating EVs and EVSE into the grid in Vietnam, based on case studies, global experiences, and best practices. Through several workshops with EVN and Vinbus, NREL is providing technical assistance on the grid impacts of EVs, operation and maintenance guidelines for electric buses, standards and protocols for EVSE, tariff design, and workforce development.

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