Vehicle Electrification


Building on past and ongoing work in Bangladesh, USAID and NREL launched a third phase of partnership with Bangladesh in May 2021, titled Reinforcing Advanced Energy Systems. In March 2022, the Reinforcing Advanced Energy Systems team initiated support for electric vehicle (EV) deployment in Bangladesh with a workshop covering the building blocks of EV deployment, best practices, and emerging solutions for scaling the domestic EV industry. This training helped participants understand key concepts, challenges, and opportunities for large-scale EV deployment in Bangladesh.

Building Blocks of Electric Vehicle Deployment in Bangladesh: Day 1, YouTube Video

Building Blocks of Electric Vehicle Deployment in Bangladesh: Day 2, YouTube Video

In October 2022, additional workshops were held with the Sustainable and Renewable Development Authority, Dhaka Power Distribution Co., other government agencies, and private companies, focusing on charging standards, business models for charging stations, fleet electrification, and the impacts of EVs on the grid.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR)

Lao PDR is exploring pathways to reach ambitious EV deployment goals. To support this need, the Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia is working with the Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines to conduct analyses and capacity building on modeling tools that will identify EV supply equipment needs and siting. Building capacity for using open-source EV supply equipment modeling and siting tools will help pave the way for replication and scale-up of EV deployment across Lao PDR.

The Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia is also working with the Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines and other stakeholders to scope potential fleet electrification opportunities, build capacity of local partners to understand the fundamentals of EV deployment, and run analyses using appropriate tools to evaluate different fleet options.

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Business Model and Tariff Design To Support the Lao PDR, NREL Presentation (2020)

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: An Overview of Technical Standards To Support Lao PDR Electric Vehicle Market Development, NREL Presentation (2020)

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: Tariff Design Support to the Lao PDR, NREL Presentation (2020)


NREL partnered with a multi-sector stakeholder group in Mexico City to evaluate the potential benefits of motorcycle electrification, including improved air quality, reduced traffic congestion, and enhanced transit equity. Additionally, in the municipality of Mexicali, Mexico, USAID and NREL created a custom-designed, practical, and data-driven framework to enable the Mexicali to transition their transport sector to cleaner electric mobility. This technical assistance and the resulting report were delivered to the City of Mexicali’s Transport Team as part of the Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) Global Partnership Transport Working Group.

The Value of Motorcycle Electrification in Mexico City, NREL Technical Report (2020)

Foundations of an Electric Mobility Strategy for the City of Mexicali, NREL Technical Report (2020)


The Government of Pakistan has a goal to shift to 30% EVs by 2030 and 90% by 2040. To support this goal, USAID and NREL are providing assistance to study the impact of EVs on the distribution system. By studying the impact of EV chargers on the system, mitigation strategies can be proposed along with optimal locations of EV chargers to help an already overwhelmed electrical distribution system. These efforts will lead to improved grid reliability and a more engaged adoption process of EVs.

Effectiveness of Electric Vehicle Policies and Implications for Pakistan, NREL Technical Report (2022)

Pakistan EV Charging Station Business Plan Workshop, YouTube Video

Pakistan Distribution Companies Electric Vehicle Preparation Workshop, YouTube Video

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