Workforce Development


To support Colombia's energy transition priorities, a development team composed of NREL, the USAID Colombia Mission, USAID's Scaling Up Renewable Energy program, and the U.S. Energy Association created a series of training modules designed to ready Colombia's energy sector workforce to participate in the construction, operation, and grid integration of Variable Renewable Energy projects.

Young Leaders Workforce Training Program: Overview and Impact (English) (2022)

Young Leaders Workforce Training Program: Overview and Impact (Spanish) (2022)

The initial cohort of participants developed action plans to apply the program's training content to real-world energy questions they are facing in their respective organizations. The development team selected four action plan teams to receive tailored technical assistance from NREL to support plan implementation. The four plans selected represent various topics associated with planning for the efficient integration of distributed energy resources, including:

  • EV fleet planning
  • Smart city planning for electric mobility
  • Distributed solar photovoltaic generation modeling
  • Regulatory considerations for distributed energy resource integration.

The selected action plans were led by the Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas, Empresa de Energía de Boyacá, Grupo de Energía de Bogotá, and the Association for Renewable Energy. Explore the action plans below:

Regulatory Road Map for Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection and Interoperability, NREL Technical Report (2023)

Early Adopters Work to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Transitions in Boyaca, Colombia, NREL Technical Report (2023)

Forecasting Distributed Photovoltaic Adoption in Barranquilla, Colombia, NREL Technical Report (2023)

Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Bogotá, Colombia, NREL Technical Report (2023)

Considerations for Developing a Regulatory Roadmap for Distributed Energy Resource Integration in Colombia, NREL Presentation (2022)


In 2013, NREL and USAID hosted a workshop in Manila to train Filipino transportation experts from 22 government agencies, universities, and local organizations. This workshop enabled them to use transportation tools to analyze and facilitate the assessment of petroleum savings, GHG emissions, air pollution, and economics associated with alternative fuels and advanced energy technologies, including EVs.

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