

Between 2017-2019, NREL and USAID, in partnership with the Jamaican Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology and Jamaica Urban Transit Company, conducted a technical assessment of Jamaica’s policy options to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This included highlighting key metrics for transportation GHG reduction, creating a business-as-usual GHG emissions scenario out to 2030, and compiling a list of transportation projects that are most effective at achieving Jamaica’s first Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement—10% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. These options were assessed by cost, amount of GHG reduction, timeframe, and ancillary benefits.

Jamaica Transportation Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, NREL Technical Report (2019)


NREL provided technical assistance to the State of Guanajuato to develop a Roadmap for Decarbonization of the Transport Sector. The roadmap aims to set ambitious but achievable carbon reduction goals and recommend effective policy and program options to help the state meet them. In November 2022, NREL conducted three focus group workshops with representatives from industry, government, civil society, academia, and experts to discuss transportation-related goals, barriers, opportunities, and actions for decarbonizing the sector. Input from these workshops shaped the understanding of Guanajuato's transportation system and its potential for reducing GHG emissions while promoting sustainability. These findings are guiding the development of initial scenarios and policy strategies. Policies were proposed based on their alignment with Guanajuato’s goals, strengths, ability to address weaknesses, opportunities, and risks, with priority given to those most frequently applied and most relevant to the state's transportation goals.  


The Government of Pakistan has a goal to shift to 30% EVs by 2030 and 90% by 2040. To support this goal, USAID and NREL are providing assistance to study the impact of EVs on the distribution system. By studying the impact of EV chargers on the system, mitigation strategies can be proposed along with optimal locations of EV chargers to help an already overwhelmed electrical distribution system. These efforts will lead to improved grid reliability and a more engaged adoption process of EVs.

Effectiveness of Electric Vehicle Policies and Implications for Pakistan, NREL Technical Report (2022)

Pakistan EV Charging Station Business Plan Workshop, YouTube Video

Pakistan Distribution Companies Electric Vehicle Preparation Workshop, YouTube Video

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